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Foreign trade interns visit IDO workshop for metal display racks

Today, 8 fresh graduates of international trade major who came to our company for foreign trade internship, led by the head of our production department, entered our production workshop for metal display storage racks to visit and study.

The workshop director, Mr. Chen, introduced the process of producing metal tool display racks to the college students in detail, as well as the equipment and technology needed in each process. The students are the first in-depth contact with the product production site after coming out of the campus. From patient and detailed explnation by Mr. Chen, and through their own careful observation, they not only got a preliminary understanding of the mechanical bending, Punching, metal wire drawing, cutting, welding, descaling, spraying, packaging and other processes, but also fully feel that as a designer and manufacturer that provides high-quality metal hardware tool display racks and storage racks for customers worldwide, IDO Display is doing standard production site management, strict quality control, using advanced technology and equipments, which further strengthen everyone's confidence in studying and working together at IDO and achieving outstanding achievements in the future.

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