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Europe customers visit IDO Display factory

Today, Mr. Nejdot Portero and his entourage came from Europe and drove to visit our company after arriving in Shanghai despite the exhaustion of the journey.
Mr. Portero and others, first led by Mr. Frank, the head of the marketing department, visited the sample room of our factory with great interest. After seeing so many styles and uses of display racks displayed in the sample room, they expressed their sincere appreciation and Focusing on hardware tool display racks, I asked in detail about the characteristics, uses, target customer markets, performance, structure and functions of various metal, steel and wood display racks, and listened carefully to the explanations of our foreign trade salespersons.
Then the guests entered the production workshop under the leadership of the production department supervisor, carefully referring to every link of manufacturing, from rust removal, bending, cutting, welding, punching, spraying, to assembly, inspection, packaging and other processes. The process and its equipment are checked very patiently, and stop at any time to ask our on-site operators and workshop directors about relevant questions until we get professional and detailed answers.
In the subsequent meeting room, the guests and the host had a more in-depth and candid discussion on this year’s trade situation, procurement requirements, factory manufacturing capabilities, customized services, quality management and other issues. Finally, Mr. Portero said that IDO Display is in Under the situation that this year has been greatly affected by the epidemic, we can continue to base ourselves on quality management and category development, whether it is from the richness of the display rack variety, the overall quality of the product, the pre-sales and after-sales service capabilities and many other details. They are doing very well, especially today through the on-site observation, it has greatly increased the confidence in the long-term cooperation between IDO Display and the purchaser.

IDO General Manager Mr. Jacky and Marketing Manager Mr. Frank both expressed their gratitude to Mr. Portero and his company for their trust in IDO Display. IDO will definitely live up to the expectations of our customers and will continue to do our best. , And welcome Mr. Portero and his colleagues to visit and guide frequently to help us further improve our manufacturing and service capabilities.

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